Error 403 - Forbidden

You made a mistake or you a spammer! Becuase of this, your IP address has been banned for spamming or hack attempts.

If you feel this is an error you can write to the webmaster using the contact form found elsewhere on this site using a different ISP. Your attempt has been logged.

The fact that your site was banned is a very serious matter. Programs on this site detect attempted access to illegal cgi and pl scripts that spammers like to use to send out spam. Additionally, any attempt to obtain a directory listing of /cgi-bin/ will cause your IP address to be banned.

If you didn't intentionally do any of the above then there are three possibilities:

  1. Your computer or your network has been infected by a spam worm that seeks out open relays on every site you visit. This needs to be reported to your system administrator and/or you need to use an up to date virus scanner.
  2. Your network, your computer, or the ISP you use to access the Internet has an open relay. An open relay is something spammers use to hide their tracks. It allows them to probe sites through your server - making it look like you are attempting to hack other sites. This also needs to be reported to your sysadmin.
  3. You are a spammer.


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